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Pirates and Corsairs in the Greek seas

The emergence of piracy in the Greek seas goes back to prehistoric times, appearing almost simultaneously with the beginning of navigation and continuing on an almost permanent basis until modern times.

During the Turkish occupation this activity was at times in a great upsurge, making sea journeys particularly precarious, and leading to the abandonment or destruction of coastal settlements, as well as entire islands. Pirates of every nationality and religion, Arabs, Greeks, Turks, Franks, etc., who were equipped with their own ships, lurked in several places, preferring the secluded coves and caves of the Aegean islands. From there, they monitored sea traffic and attacked indiscriminately any ship passing near their dens. They pilfered whatever they could, including goods, people and even the ship itself and then they usually sold their loot at ports where there was an organized piracy market. This state of affairs led to a point where, just before the Greek revolution, many merchant ships were even equipped with cannons to protect themselves from pirate raids.

Κουρσάροι Ο Θεός Αγαπάει το Χαβιάρι Έλληνες Κουρσάροι Οι πειρατές στη Λογοτεχνία Πειρατικά Λιμάνια & Σταθμοί